Super effective language speaking sessions


Join learners from all over the world.

Have more effective language conversations with our app, and find people to speak with online. Native speakers can record phrases during conversations and you can practice them afterwards.

Normal Conversations

🐒 Write down maybe 2-3 new words
🙈 Use pen and paper
🙈 Never look at it again
🙉 Forget how things are pronounced

Conversations with Lingophant

👅 Get around 20 phrases
🎧 Original audio recordings from the conversation
🚌 Ready to practice anywhere and anytime
🤝 Relevant to you
💪 Super effective practicing

Participate in Lingo Sessions:

1. Meet people once a week

Join our online community for free and attend sessions. Contribute to the conversation or just listen in and practice phrases afterwards. Volunteer to host a session for your language too. Phrases are recorded with our app.

Click here to learn more about Discord on their official homepage.

2. Get phrases on your phone

During a conversation, you can ask your host to record phrases. They can create a set of phrases, and share the link. Your phone opens the link so you can download the phrases and practice them locally.

3. Practice comfortably and effectively

Working at the height of your abilities feels good. Your Lingophant app keeps track of all the phrases you have recorded or downloaded. Phrases have text and audio. Your phone knows of each phrase when you have to practice it the next time.

This is an effective practicing experience.

When you practice, you test yourself and try to produce the phrase. If you really can remember how to say it, you tap the green button and the phrase disappears for some time. Listen also to the phrases in background mode.

Learn more about our app here. It works for any language.

Are you ready to get started? How to join us:

When you join a Lingo Session you join our community. As a member you can have conversations with native speakers and afterwards practice what you learn with a proven system.

Community Memberships are currently free. Sign up here and receive the instructions by email. The sessions take place on our Discord server. You can also use the server as a neutral space to have tandems.

We also have a paid membership which we are currently giving away for a reduced price. The main feature is that it includes 4 sessions with a native speaker, and access to a Knowledge Base we’re building.

What others say

“My partner and I wanted to finally become fluent in German during the lockdown. Although we signed up for a local course, the weekly conversation sessions were really helpful to reach the stage we are at now.”

Vanessa, living in Germany but originally from Brazil. 30th May 2020

“I’m from Chile and was a receptionist at a hotel. I always loved languages and speaking German with guests is fun. Lingophant is a nice way to stay in touch with the world.”

Amadeo, speaking German and hosting Spanish sessions. 8th December 2020

“I was absolutely surprised by how quickly students learned Russian with the app. I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes.”

Svetlana, teaching Russian. 19th July 2020

You’re not the problem,
the method was the problem.

(Free email course) Realize that your brain was literally built to learn, speak and understand languages. Everything is language. What we need is human contact, it is a much richer experience than a static app can offer. And we have all learned our own native language that way.

Understand how your brain works, and adapt your approach to that.

By knowing about the biggest struggles language learners face, you can benefit from what we’ve learned about language learning over the past five years.

In our free 5-day email course we talk in an actionable way about:

  1. Knowing the right words in the right moment
  2. Understanding when native speakers talk
  3. Staying motivated
  4. Pronouncing things the right way
  5. Finding structure and building habits

You agree to receiving emails from us. We will not spam you and we will keep your email address safe. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Above you can sign up for our email course of 5 days. Every day is about one struggle every dedicated language learner probably may have. Reading about it helps you deal with your own struggles, and we sneakily also introducing our method with them.