A System to Get you Conversational in 3 Months. Guaranteed.

A 12-week video course designed to teach you how to learn any language effectively and in less time, while having fun.

Save time by using only the best methods out there

Our program leads you to learn at maximum efficiency. You will work only with those methods that take you directly to your goals. And use technology to get there faster.

Method #1 – Conversations

Start speaking right from the beginning

If your goal is to speak, you don’t have to wait for that. Go have fun communicating with the help of a native speaker! One conversation per week and you’re good to go.

Hire a tutor or find a language partner. We show you how to, but that part is on you.*

I really like the conversation sessions.
I think it’s a really practical way to learn what you want to learn”.

– Sam Schultz, USA

Method #2 – Practicing

Our app makes learning from conversations efficient

Want to say something during a conversation, but can’t? Use Lingophant to get a recording from the native speaker. Practice these phrases and learn exactly what you need for becoming conversational.

It surprised me how I improved my memorisation. And it’s super fun and helpful to learn with natives.

– Jana, Germany @janap93

Method #3 – Listening-Reading

Practice listening and get comfortable understanding native speakers.

Communication is also about understanding other people. You’ll learn how to improve your listening skills using audio, video and transcripts from real people speaking naturally.

“Last month I visited many shops and the shocking thing was that I was able to communicate in German with the shopkeepers.”

– Jayabadhrinath, living in Germany @jayabadhrinath

Learn any language with Lingophant!

Follow our 12-week program and learn a language faster than an elephant forgets the death of its elephant friends.

Sign up here:

What’s included in a month:

🎬 12-Week video course on how to learn any language

πŸŽ₯ Live workshops and Q&A’s about language learning

πŸ“² Mobile App for recording phrases during conversations

πŸ““ PDF Guides for languages and learning tips.

⏰ Printable habit tracker.

One-time payment