Compared to Classrooms

Classrooms are great for getting the the basics. But at some point, the level of students goes too far apart. As a fast learner you’re kind of held back by the slower ones. As a slower learner, you kind of feel dumb and like you’re holding up the others.

Also, they are very expensive usually.

And you sacrifice multiple evenings each week, that is if you really want to learn something.

They also spoon-feed you grammar, meaning that it might take months until you learn your first much-needed words in the past tense.

Also, the speaking and listening practice is often missing completely. And this although these are the most natural ways to learn a language.

And finally, they also tend to punish mistakes and prioritize writing over speaking. Exams are testing your ability to prevent mistakes, instead of your free expression.

The good

Classrooms do give you a strong direct social environment, access to an experienced teacher, and an extra push to actually finish a course. And of course you might get a certificate that proves your level.

BTW: If you are a classroom teacher, feel free to use Lingophant at the end of your lessons. You can use the final 10 minutes of a class to chat, and record phrases for your students. You then just send a link to the students and they can practice with your voice.